• Sprechstunde

    • Montag
      08:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
    • Dienstag
      08:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
    • Mittwoch
      08:00-12:00 / 13:00-18:00
    • Donnerstag
      08:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
    • Freitag
      nach Vereinbarung
  • Kontakt

    Rufen Sie uns ganz ungeniert an, wenn Sie ein akutes Problem haben, eine Zuweisung von Ihrem Kinderarzt oder eine routinemässige Vorsorgeuntersuchung wünschen. Wir vereinbaren schnellstmöglich einen Termin.
  • Der Kinderbrillenladen

    Ihr Kind braucht eine Brille? Alles halb so schlimm… Wir helfen bei der Auswahl, beraten Sie bezüglich Passform und kümmern uns um alles weitere.

Prof. Dr. med. Johannes P. Eisenack
Clinical Associate Professor (UNIC)

Bellevue Eye Clinic

Good vision means quality of life! Did you know that correct vision must be learned? This already happens in early childhood. Only optimal visual development will ensure that your child can live without limitations in adulthood and that all doors are open when it comes to choosing a career.

Visual impairments in children are particularly difficult for laypersons to recognize: Because the child itself has no comparison or simply cannot yet express itself, it will not independently communicate a problem. Therefore, it is important that parents look very closely, know what to look for, and include eye care in regular preventive health checkups when appropriate. Make sure that the world is open to your child – there is too much to see and experience to miss out … Prof. Dr. med. Johannes P. Eisenack and his team look forward to caring for his little patients in the heart of Zurich at Bellevue with passion and according to all the rules of the medical art.

Bright, open rooms, the most modern equipment and a highly motivated team are the best prerequisites for ideal ophthalmological care.


Your way to us

Contact and appointment

Would you like to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist for children in Zurich? Call us and we will give you an appointment at our pediatric clinic as soon as possible. If you have already received documents such as examination results from the pediatrician, please feel free to bring them with you.


We take a lot of time for the eye examination, taking into account your needs and those of your child. We use the most modern technology and a great deal of experience and expertise to make a diagnosis. Afterwards, we explain the facts in a way that is easy to understand and answer all your questions.


Depending on the diagnosis, we can recommend different treatment options. We will always recommend the least invasive treatment with the best chance of success in helping your child achieve greater or even complete vision.

Rufen Sie uns ganz ungeniert an. Wir vereinbaren schnellstmöglich einen Termin.CONTACT

Interesting facts

Your ophthalmologist for children - Prof. Dr. med. Johannes P. Eisenack

Precisely because early action is so important and much can be corrected in the first years of life, we have dedicated ourselves entirely to the smallest patients – This is where our passion lies. Eye examinations in children, babies or even newborns are significantly more complex than in adult patients: This is because children are often less able or can’t (yet) describe where the problem lies. In addition, it is important to respond equally to the child and the parents, so that everyone feels well cared for. With a lot of empathy, patience and heart – we are parents ourselves and know how you feel – we take care of our little patients. Our main goal is for parents and children to leave our clinic feeling good and with the best possible vision.

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Services in the pediatric ophthalmology practice – Augenklinik Bellevue in Zurich

We are the right professionals when it comes to your child’s eyes. Whether you would like to have a normal check-up or if you come on the recommendation of your pediatrician because a U-examination has shown abnormalities, we are here for you. If you would like a second opinion, we will be happy to diagnose your child and suggest appropriate treatment options.

Has there been an accident and your child suddenly has problems with his eyes? Or does he have sudden eye pain? We are also available as an emergency practice and will look at child’s eyes immediately or give you quickly an appointment if it is not mandatory for your child to see an ophthalmologist right away. Whatever reason brings you to our clinic, our ophthalmologist specializing in children is the right person to talk to: Prof. Dr. Johannes Eisenack works in both ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery and can accompany you and your child throughout the entire treatment and recovery process.