
To ensure that the whole world is open to your child later, unrestricted vision is an important factor. How else is it supposed to find its way without help in our highly visual environment? Therefore, checking the eyes should be an important part of your child’s health care. What many parents don’t know: Eye and vision defects can develop in early childhood, perhaps even unnoticed at first.

With a vision test for children and a comprehensive screening examination, these can be detected early and treated properly, ensuring continued good visual development. So taking early action can make all the difference in your child’s future. We recommend that you have your child undergo an eye test at the Bellevue Eye Clinic in Zurich before he or she starts school at the latest, but preferably much earlier.

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Routinekontrollen und Sehtests für Kinder

You should visit a pediatric ophthalmologist no later than the end of kindergarten (preschool) to identify potential problems before school starts. As a rule, however, your child will already undergo a vision test during the U examinations (U2 and U3), before their 5th week of life. If deviations from the norm are seen here, your pediatrician will refer you directly to an eye specialist. A further check-up is scheduled for the second half of the first year of life.

We also recommend that parents have their child’s vision measured again between the ages of three and five, and not just later when they start school. This is the approach for children who do not show any impairment of vision.

Wann sollten Sie mit Ihrem Kind zum Sehtest kommen?

Outside of routine exams, there are several signs that your child may have a problem with their eyes. Make an appointment for an eye test at the Bellevue Eye Clinic in Zurich if you notice one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Häufiges Schielen oder fehlender Blickkontakt bei Neugeborenen

  • Augenzittern bei Neugeborenen

  • Häufiges Blinzeln

  • Häufiges Augenreiben

  • Unterschiedlich grosse Augen

  • Gerötete oder tränende Augen

  • Unterschiedliche Pupillen z. B. nicht gleich grosse Pupillen oder Farbunterschiede: eine Pupille erscheint schwarz, die andere grau

  • Auffällige Lichtempfindlichkeit

  • Doppeltsehen

  • Kopfschiefhaltung

  • Wiederholtes Zukneifen eines Auges

  • Zusammenkneifen der Augen beim Blick in die Ferne

  • Gegenstände nahe vor die Augen halten

  • Häufige Kopfschmerzen

  • Konzentrationsprobleme

  • Stolpern und Danebengreifen

Not every of these symptoms has to mean that your baby or child present amblyopia. So don’t worry too much right away and just make an appointment so we can look at it together.

An increased risk, such as previous illnesses in the family, should also prompt you to have an examination:

  • Hohe Fehlsichtigkeit bei Eltern oder Geschwistern wie Myopie, Hyperopie oder Astigmatismus

  • Schiel-Erkrankungen bei Eltern oder Geschwistern

  • Frühgeborene Kinder

  • Entwicklungs- und Teilleistungsstörungen wie ADHS, Lese- und Rechtschreibschwächen etc.

Take advantage of the possibilities offered by modern medicine today so that we can detect and treat visual impairment/amblyopia at an early stage.

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